classess Details


  • Teacher
    Kevin Spacey
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Class Description

Wing recognizes that fitness is one of the most essential aspects for a growing child irrespective of what they want to pursue later in life and we have therefore made a program which makes sure your child reaps the maximum benefits from these activities and grow into healthier and stronger individuals who carry themselves well. Indulging in our fitness classes will help makes the child physically strong and agile while also improving posture, balance and flexibility – all of which go a long way in shaping their personalities later on.


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  • Aliquam sit amet mi vitae turpis gravida vulputate.
  • Proin a orci nec sapien condimentum imperdiet.
  • Suspendisse viverra lectus eu augue efficitur pulvinar.
  • Mauris a purus ut mauris sodales ultrices.